Friday, July 4, 2008

We have been very impressed by the comment left by Chomrade O Beochan and have decided to include it on our main page. We trust that it will inspire those of us who are locked in the class struggle to continue with the fight until the despised and parasitic employer class is crushed and flattened under the powerful steamroller of the proletariat.

We will be issuing a number of postion papers over the coming weeks, and one of the first will
be on this supremely important topic of the re-education of the boss class. This will be under the rubric of :

A Lasting solution to the the Anachronism of the Employer/Boss Class : Re-education or Extermination ?

We issue a formal thanks to Chomrade O Beochan and invite him to develop his curruculum with the full blessing of the Politburo and the working class. We invite all members to submit papers on this important topic as we prepare the ground for the destruction of the exploiters and parastites.

Go neiri na-n-oibri leat

"Great to breathe the fresh air of new opportunity - It is important to consider what to do with the capitalist bosses after the revolution has succeeded.May I make the following suggestion: we send them to the countryside to be re-educated - after all, we can't allow thorns to prick and goad at our newly liberated state.This re-education would be carried out in specially constructed camps where the ideas of our President ,Chomrade Mac Saoirse could be effectively transmitted into the hearts and minds of our fallen fellow creatures.Like recovering drug addicts these unfortunate creatures would be rehabilitated through a stringent regime of healthy work on an organic farm and exposure to a full curriculum of emancipative study in all the core subjects currently studied in our Leaving Cert curriculum. This study would not have the usual effect of bolstering the capitalist state. It would not function as an arm of the Ideological State Apparatus, as our great forbearer Louis Althusser called it, rather it would liberate the individual former capitalist from the bonds of their own upbringing and allow them to joyously join the great heart of the Irish working class. If our esteemed President permits , I would be delighted to take on the mantle of organising this curriculum . It would not be necessary to immediately implement study in all the core areas – We could begin with the study of history . Our starting point would be of course 1848 , the year not only of revolutions but also of the publication of our master’s seminal publication “The Communist Manifesto” "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Chomrade McSeoirse for including my initial posting on the main page.
Further to this first posting on the re-education of the capitalists after their removal to the countryside , a thought has struck me on what to do with their wives and families. At first glance it appears that the wives ,for example, are innocent victims of the inexorable tide of history as class struggle results in the dictatorship of the proletariat headed by our soon to be Great Chomrade.
A closer examination, however, uncovers the usually overlooked complicity of the wives in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the capitalist class.
Apart from the obvious breeding of future generations the wives allow themselves to be considered trophies – take a peek any morning into any gym in any affluent suburb to behold the wasteful lifestyle trophy wives vying with one another as to who has the most expensive car or who has just returned from the most expensive Caribbean holiday.

Towards a Theory of Familial Responsibility in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the Capitalist Class

Capitalists reduces production of necessities of life to commodities

Hankering after these commodities = Commodity Fetishism

Bourgeois females are brainwashed into offering themselves as commodities

(Proof – just check out a group of such wives at any forementioned gym or private school car park and observe the difference in physical terms between this group and
corresponding groups of females in working class areas )

It is as if a Darwinian natural selection is at work – but no

Great Principle 1

Nature is the locus of ideology

Great Principle 2
Das Capital and control of the means of production are what give rise to the apparently’natural’

Great Principle 3
In the realm of ideology control of the means of production = control of what appears natural
In the realm of economics control of the means of production by bosses = control of the selection of female sex partners by male bosses

Great Principle 4
Das Capital and Sexual relationship are mutually inclusive

The implications of this interdependency will be discussed in the coming days as will be what a true revolutionary should be prepared to do to restore economic and sexual hegemony to the working class