Sunday, July 13, 2008

Skirmishes in the Class war

Members should be aware that our supreme theorist, Chomráid O Beacáin, has been involved in skirmishes with capitalist bully boys and their running-dog liberal lackeys.
The incidents began when Chomráid O Beacáin posted a statement on the website . This website is frequented by the hobbyist socialists and faux communists of the petit bourgeoise. From that website a person with the unfortunate moniker of Zyklon B copied the post to, a website frequented by rabble rousers and apparatchiks of no influence. Chomráid O Beacáin had to defend himself against all manner of vile calumny and ridicule from these ivory tower fantasists and immature scaremongers.

Be in no doubt, Chomraidí, that these kind of websites will vanish like snow in a proletarian spring when the revolution finally comes. No more will the good in the world be vilified by the “intellectual” class and their liberal running dogs. These kinds of skirmishes will reinvigorate the broad masses and hasten the day when the capitalists will be on their knees with mouths agape as the broad masses begin to exercise their power.

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