Monday, July 7, 2008

Appointment of Theoretical Officer

Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso (Sendero Luminosa).
Pol Pot. (Khmer Rouge)
Lenin. (Russian Communist Party)
Alex Callinicos (SWP)
Deng Xiao Peng (Chinese Communist Party)

Each movement of the masses has its supreme theoretician to guide it. The proletariat has become so oppressed that it needs to be awoken to the reality of the chains that bind it. The role of the theoretician is to firstly, break through the boundaries of his or her own class, and then to light the way for others. We have decided to appoint Chomrade O Beochain as the supreme theoretician of our beloved Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland. Below, he outlines four great principles which will clarify the future directiopn of the movement.

Further to this first posting on the re-education of the capitalists after their removal to the countryside , a thought has struck me on what to do with their wives and families.

At first glance it appears that the wives ,for example, are innocent victims of the inexorable tide of history as class struggle results in the dictatorship of the proletariat headed by our soon to be Great Chomrade.

A closer examination, however, uncovers the usually overlooked complicity of the wives in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the capitalist class.Apart from the obvious breeding of future generations the wives allow themselves to be considered trophies – take a peek any morning into any gym in any affluent suburb to behold the wasteful lifestyle trophy wives vying with one another as to who has the most expensive car or who has just returned from the most expensive Caribbean holiday.

Towards a Theory of Familial Responsibility in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the Capitalist Class

Capitalists reduce production of necessities of life to commodities
Hankering after these commodities = Commodity Fetishism

Bourgeois females are brainwashed into offering themselves as commodities(Proof – just check out a group of such wives at any forementioned gym or private school car park and observe the difference in physical terms between this group and corresponding groups of females in working class areas )It is as if a Darwinian natural selection is at work – but no

Great Principle 1
Nature is the locus of ideology

Great Principle 2

Das Capital and control of the means of production are what give rise to the apparently’natural’

Great Principle 3

In the realm of ideology control of the means of production = control of what appears natural

In the realm of economics control of the means of production by capitalists= control of the selection of female sex partners by male capitalists

Great Principle 4
Das Capital and Sexual relationships are mutually inclusive

The implications of this interdependency will be discussed in the coming days as will be what a true revolutionary should be prepared to do to restore economic and sexual hegemony to the working class

This analysis is of course not watertight - there are clearly blurred edges to any type of generalisation. For example, some capitalists are female and do not generally marry male trophy husbands. (MTH) In case where this phenomenon of MTH does occurs it violates 'normal' capitalist sexual relationships ( which function to reproduce the capitalist class as we have seen)and as such it should be welcomed by a sincere revolutionary, even if at first sight it seems to be a mere re-presentation of male capitalist social/sexual activity.

Furthermore, as the RSPI has revealed true recreation implies the unfettered enjoyment of all possibilities of social/sexual relationships. The problem with capitalist control of recreation is that it is predicated upon an actual interdict against real re-creation in that it seek to replicate the conditions that allow the means of production to remain in the clutches of the bourgeoise through the generations. In other words, the entire space of eroticism /desire lies open to a RSPI revolutionary once these Programs for liberation have been implemented . Now re-creation can exist both in a space of pure enjoyment without reference to biological reproduction. When this free expression of enjoyment results in human reproduction it will re-create new classless heroes of our post-revoltionary state.

Least this analysis be villified as a merely male perspective on sexual /social relations let my readers be assured that we would welcome contributions from a female perspective.
We would particularly welcome ideas on how females who were hitherto subjucated by the class system could exact some form of redress from the soon to be incarcerated male bosses. As the LTWs were farmed out to deprived refugees, perhaps some scenario could be arranged whereby proletariat females would be granted control of the newly incarcerated male bosses.

Let us remember that subverting the present system by whatever means is always our immediate goal.

Go neiri na h-oibri leat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I had a dream last night that the workers revolution happened and that everything was really nice and lovely. There were no tigers or crocodiles anymore and the world was full of little lambs.
I can't wait for it to happen. When do we start ?