Following a meeting of our politburo on Tuesday night, it was resolved to take immediate action regarding the massive increases in the price of oil. Make no mistake – these increases are designed by the politico-capitalist classes to further oppress the workers of Ireland and the RSPI cannot sit back and do nothing while the imperialist speculators take advantage of their monopolist control of the oil industry. Comrade Mac an sagairt spoke of the plight of a relative of his, who, through no fault of his own, runs a haulage company. He is now being forced to lay off glorious Irish workers because of the profiteering of multinationals serving their own interests and not the interests of the people. On top of this, his relative was recently forced to displace a broad mass of Irish worker because he wished to rescue some Polish workers from irresponsible exploitation.
We have decided to take the immediate action of contacting our Venezuelean chomráidí in the Revolutionary Bolivian Movement.
Dear Brothers in Revolution
Fraternal greetings from across the Atlantic Ocean to the hero of the Bolivian struggle, President (we hope for life) Hugo Chavez. We have witnessed your great success in Bolivia, and have seen how the broad masses love and support their great leader, who is leading them so fiercely in their struggle against the lackeys and interlopers of the world’s greatest terrorist, the US of A.
We salute you in your struggle and we salute the great victories you have achieved. We also salute the great trade agreements you have made with your neighbours, in particular, with our Cuban brothers, whereby you exchange oil with Cuba in return for Doctors and medical staff to treat the workers of Bolivia.
As you surely know, your proletariat brothers in Ireland are suffering because of the inflated price of oil due to the reckless profiteering of rootless speculators. Brothers, we wish to inaugurate a barter deal with your beloved and admired country whereby you might exchange oil with us in return for, not medical staff, but East European workers. These gentle and honest members of the proletariat have been exploited by the capitalist classes and now are being cast aside, having inadvertently displaced many brave Irish workers. Your co-operation in this matter would be of the greatest benefit to the class struggle here in Ireland, and would thwart the callous machinations of the jackal interlopers and rootless capitalists who are our common enemies.
As an initial offer, we would be willing to agree to a one for one exchange on the basis of one worker per gallon of petrol.
We look forward to your immediate response.
Chomrade Mac An Sagairt
Go neirí na h-oibrí leat
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