Sunday, July 6, 2008

Following on from our announcement of General Principles 1,2,3,4 and 4 it is now incumbent upon us to enter the whole area of praxis. A revolutionary movement requires praxis as knowledge requires power. By praxis , we mean real political action.

Sexual reproduction serves to perpetuate the ruling class as we have seen.

We can identify the various spheres in which the relationships between the capitalists and their females are played out:

(1) The educational system ; from Nursery school onwards

(2) The courting process where financial hegomony masquerades as natural selection

(3) Contractual arrangements whch underpin and give longevity to the relationship

(4) Handing on of wealth and privelege to the next generation

Each of these 4 spheres requires a separate and thorough analysis and we invite party members to freely contribute to this area of study.These studies will clearly mark out the need for praxis. In short what can we do to subvert this appalling yet largely unrecognised blemish on the face of our pre-revolutionary state .

May I modestly suggest:

(1) The establishment of especially constructed boarding schools where the off-spring of such unions would be re-educated . The children would be foster chilren of the state rather like the children of ancient Irish chieftains were fostered out to neighbouring chieftains to produce alliances as well as strengthening the moral fibre of the said children. The parents of these children would only be allowed to visit their off-spring when their revolutionary fervour was deemed of sufficient strength to allow them to safely interact with their children

(2) The farming out of lifestyle trophy wives to males at the opposite end of the social spectrum.

This would have the effect of in some measure compensensating the most miserable, the most downtrodden of the underclass males for their lives of subjucation to the boss class. These lives of abject misery had witnessed the exploiters of their labour enjoying carnal pleasures with

the lifestyle trophy wives (LTW).The LTWs would have the pleasure of what in common parlance has been known as a bit of rough trade and would be subjected to a genuine mind expansion experience. In the past to the LTW 'mind expansion ' meant little more than abuse of

mind altering substances , a phenomenon of late capitalism's decadence. Now, mind expansion would mean identification with non-bourgeois perceptions of our commonly shared world. Off-spring of the envisaged carnal encounters would become hero pilots of a new world order.

I would recommend that we begin this process by inviting the particpation of the most oppressed of the 'new Irish',refugees mainly from Nigeria. The scramble for Africa by the colonial powers for the dark continent would be transmuted into the scramble by Africa for a different sort of dark continent.

(3)Commodity fetishism would be turned on its head. The reproducers of the producers of commodity fetishism would become the objects of sexual fetishism. An interesting new dynamic would emerge whereby all levels of human relationships would be forever irrevocably transformed - a bit of strange would only be strange for a time until a new eroticism emerged .

The recreational socialist party is open to new and innovative forms of all economic production and sexual reproduction . As we saw earlier there is a mutually inclusivity between the two and as we now notice there is a similiar inclusive relationship between commodity fetishism engendered by late capitalism and our praxis whereby we make post capitalist reproducing females the objects of dark desire and in the process open up new possibilitities of sexual fetish.

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