During one of Stalin's frequent purges, necessary to maintain discipline and focus in the revolution, a Finnish Border Guard was amazed to find two giraffes at the checkpoint pleading to be allowed into Finland.
"Please let us in", they whined, " Comrade Stalin has ordered a purge of all elephants from the Soviet Republic."
"But you have nothing to worry about", said the guard, " You are giraffes".
"Try telling that to the KGB", said the giraffes.
When the revolutionary acts, it is with a broad stroke. Differentiation is a bourgeois illusion designed to induce uncertainty in the proletariat.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Friday Fun
More a witty remark than a proper joke, this weeks choice from the Stalin archives emphasises the importance of the control of the means of production in socialist countries compared to capitalist countries.
When Comrade Stalin reurned from a foreign trip he was asked to give a description of the economies he had seen in the west.
"Tovarisch, " he said, "in the west they have many luxurious objects available in shops -- fur coats, cars, all manners of food and combestibles. But the people are too poor to buy anything. In all my time there I didn't see a single queue !"
When Comrade Stalin reurned from a foreign trip he was asked to give a description of the economies he had seen in the west.
"Tovarisch, " he said, "in the west they have many luxurious objects available in shops -- fur coats, cars, all manners of food and combestibles. But the people are too poor to buy anything. In all my time there I didn't see a single queue !"
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Skirmishes in the Class war
Members should be aware that our supreme theorist, Chomráid O Beacáin, has been involved in skirmishes with capitalist bully boys and their running-dog liberal lackeys.
The incidents began when Chomráid O Beacáin posted a statement on the website http://www.indymdia.ie/ . This website is frequented by the hobbyist socialists and faux communists of the petit bourgeoise. From that website a person with the unfortunate moniker of Zyklon B copied the post to http://www.politcs.ie/, a website frequented by rabble rousers and apparatchiks of no influence. Chomráid O Beacáin had to defend himself against all manner of vile calumny and ridicule from these ivory tower fantasists and immature scaremongers.
Be in no doubt, Chomraidí, that these kind of websites will vanish like snow in a proletarian spring when the revolution finally comes. No more will the good in the world be vilified by the “intellectual” class and their liberal running dogs. These kinds of skirmishes will reinvigorate the broad masses and hasten the day when the capitalists will be on their knees with mouths agape as the broad masses begin to exercise their power.
The incidents began when Chomráid O Beacáin posted a statement on the website http://www.indymdia.ie/ . This website is frequented by the hobbyist socialists and faux communists of the petit bourgeoise. From that website a person with the unfortunate moniker of Zyklon B copied the post to http://www.politcs.ie/, a website frequented by rabble rousers and apparatchiks of no influence. Chomráid O Beacáin had to defend himself against all manner of vile calumny and ridicule from these ivory tower fantasists and immature scaremongers.
Be in no doubt, Chomraidí, that these kind of websites will vanish like snow in a proletarian spring when the revolution finally comes. No more will the good in the world be vilified by the “intellectual” class and their liberal running dogs. These kinds of skirmishes will reinvigorate the broad masses and hasten the day when the capitalists will be on their knees with mouths agape as the broad masses begin to exercise their power.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Towards A New Theory of Feminism
The RSPI is concerned that a feminist perspective that emerges from bourgeois intellectualizing is likely to misunderstand our position on the relationship between sexual and economic (re)production
Currently, such a mindset would typically view our proposals as chauvinistic, irrevocably bound to a male world view. Such a mindset in its more ‘developed’ forms sees even our language itself as always already contaminated by male hierarchical oppression. An example of this would be the fact that the name of the father rather than the mother continues through the generations.
Following the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan ,feminist theory has seen the primal unity of the child has with its mother as being ruptured by the entry of the father, the phallus .The entry of the phallus is coincident with the entry of the child into the symbolic order or more simply into language itself.
According to this thinking, the child spends the rest of its life trying to regain the lost primal unity. This hankering for lost unity once captured by the field of language defines itself as a longing for a transcendental signifier – something which would ground or be the basis for language and at the same time be transcendental to it.
The RSPI is proud to announce that the days of seeking are now drawing to a close.
How so?
The entrapment process of language is predicated upon the existence of binary opposites such as male/female, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, national/non-national, white/coloured, city/country.
‘Unity’ is not possible because the individual always sees her/himself self as different to the ‘other’ whether that other is perceived to be, for example, rich or poor relative to oneself. In other words a (wo)man knows her/himself to be poor because s/he sees the difference between her/his poverty and the wealth of others, or we know ourselves to be nationals because of our difference from immigrants etc etc .
The RSPI proposals are designed to smash this whole field of difference by destroying the functioning of the capitalist state. It is the capitalist state which produces this binary opposition because human beings are always defined by economics, by one’s place in a social hierarchy which is itself produced and sustained by one’s access to the means of production. For example, as we have seen the LTW( Lifestyle Trophy Wives) define themselves by their difference from proletariat females. To release such perpetuators of an unjust social hierarchy into forced marriages with the most oppressed of the male proletariat, Nigerian refugees, would immediately subvert the white/black, rich/poor, bourgeois educated/ non-bourgeois educated sets of binary opposites that sustain the capitalist system .
It might be ventured that inevitably a new set of binary opposites will emerge with new hierarchies such as newly liberated children of the forced mixed race marriages/ white children of the newly liberated proletariat. These opposites will not, however, remain static , they will always be in flux. For example, intermarriage between these sets of opposites will occur spontaneously as the class structures that produced and sustained the collusion between capitalists and LTWs is forever sundered.
In Our Brave New World Order binary opposition will function like the classic Marxist dialectic of thesis/ antithesis which necessarily produces a synthesis that itself becomes a new thesis ad infinitum. Economic subjugation of one class by another will not be possible because control of reproduction will pass from the capitalist to the proletariat .Readers will recall the establishment of a clear interdependability between sexual and economic product ion in the capitalist system.
Sexual freedom and enjoyment will be the keynotes of our new world order – the boundaries that divide humans through sexual selection will be smashed.
It might further be ventured that we have not dealt with the male/female divide and the fact the language that we are now using is itself always and inevitably contaminated with the traces of male subjugation of females.
In Our Brave New World government will alternate between female and male control.
As to the language we use itself being soiled by male discourse , we imagine that during the female periods of rule that our dictionaries can be rewritten , our schools will teach new languages as our citizens enjoy new and exciting modes of social and sexual interaction..
As to the final synthesis, the Nirvana of a classless society – when there will be no need for further production of binary opposites – We leave this for another day. In the meantime readers are recommended to visit http//recreationalsocialist.blogspot.com
Here they can begin to get a glimpse of the final solution.
Mick O’ Beachain
The RSPI is concerned that a feminist perspective that emerges from bourgeois intellectualizing is likely to misunderstand our position on the relationship between sexual and economic (re)production
Currently, such a mindset would typically view our proposals as chauvinistic, irrevocably bound to a male world view. Such a mindset in its more ‘developed’ forms sees even our language itself as always already contaminated by male hierarchical oppression. An example of this would be the fact that the name of the father rather than the mother continues through the generations.
Following the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan ,feminist theory has seen the primal unity of the child has with its mother as being ruptured by the entry of the father, the phallus .The entry of the phallus is coincident with the entry of the child into the symbolic order or more simply into language itself.
According to this thinking, the child spends the rest of its life trying to regain the lost primal unity. This hankering for lost unity once captured by the field of language defines itself as a longing for a transcendental signifier – something which would ground or be the basis for language and at the same time be transcendental to it.
The RSPI is proud to announce that the days of seeking are now drawing to a close.
How so?
The entrapment process of language is predicated upon the existence of binary opposites such as male/female, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, national/non-national, white/coloured, city/country.
‘Unity’ is not possible because the individual always sees her/himself self as different to the ‘other’ whether that other is perceived to be, for example, rich or poor relative to oneself. In other words a (wo)man knows her/himself to be poor because s/he sees the difference between her/his poverty and the wealth of others, or we know ourselves to be nationals because of our difference from immigrants etc etc .
The RSPI proposals are designed to smash this whole field of difference by destroying the functioning of the capitalist state. It is the capitalist state which produces this binary opposition because human beings are always defined by economics, by one’s place in a social hierarchy which is itself produced and sustained by one’s access to the means of production. For example, as we have seen the LTW( Lifestyle Trophy Wives) define themselves by their difference from proletariat females. To release such perpetuators of an unjust social hierarchy into forced marriages with the most oppressed of the male proletariat, Nigerian refugees, would immediately subvert the white/black, rich/poor, bourgeois educated/ non-bourgeois educated sets of binary opposites that sustain the capitalist system .
It might be ventured that inevitably a new set of binary opposites will emerge with new hierarchies such as newly liberated children of the forced mixed race marriages/ white children of the newly liberated proletariat. These opposites will not, however, remain static , they will always be in flux. For example, intermarriage between these sets of opposites will occur spontaneously as the class structures that produced and sustained the collusion between capitalists and LTWs is forever sundered.
In Our Brave New World Order binary opposition will function like the classic Marxist dialectic of thesis/ antithesis which necessarily produces a synthesis that itself becomes a new thesis ad infinitum. Economic subjugation of one class by another will not be possible because control of reproduction will pass from the capitalist to the proletariat .Readers will recall the establishment of a clear interdependability between sexual and economic product ion in the capitalist system.
Sexual freedom and enjoyment will be the keynotes of our new world order – the boundaries that divide humans through sexual selection will be smashed.
It might further be ventured that we have not dealt with the male/female divide and the fact the language that we are now using is itself always and inevitably contaminated with the traces of male subjugation of females.
In Our Brave New World government will alternate between female and male control.
As to the language we use itself being soiled by male discourse , we imagine that during the female periods of rule that our dictionaries can be rewritten , our schools will teach new languages as our citizens enjoy new and exciting modes of social and sexual interaction..
As to the final synthesis, the Nirvana of a classless society – when there will be no need for further production of binary opposites – We leave this for another day. In the meantime readers are recommended to visit http//recreationalsocialist.blogspot.com
Here they can begin to get a glimpse of the final solution.
Mick O’ Beachain
Friday Fun

A little known fact about Stalin is that he started out as a “shutnik” , a kind of comedian. In Siberia there is a tradition of shutniks going from town to town and performing during festivities, relating stories and performing pranks. It is believed that the shutnik is derived originally from the shaman traditions of Siberia.
Under the new glasnost regime in Russia, it is now possible to access some of his favourite jokes, which he collected throughout his life. It is important to note that these jokes were never treated lightly by his audience, and it was not uncommon for a political officer to offer an appropriate commentary to illustrate the high moral point of the joke.
We are pleased to introduce a selection of some of Stalin’s favourite jokes, with a brief commentary by Chomráid Smirnoff-Boland, our ethnic officer.
Joke No 1
A wife says to her husband : “Go to the shops and get some meat”. Even though it is winter, the man obeys and walks to the butchers. He joins the queue and waits for over eight hours. Eventually, the butcher comes out and says to the queue “ Go home. WE have run out of meat. There is no meat left !”. The man becomes angry and starts to shout “ How dare you treat me this way ! I am a veteran of the 1917 revolution and have been a socialist all my life. You cannot treat me this way !” A man in hat and long coat approached him and led him to one side. This man said : “ Comrade, you must be careful with your talk like that. Things are not so bad now. If you had spoken like that in the old days you know what would have happened.” He pointed his forefinger to his forehead, and pulled an imaginary trigger.
The man went home to his wife and said “ Things are really really bad!”
She asked “ Do you mean they have run out of meat ?”
“It’s worse than that”, he said. “ They’ve run out of bullets! “
Commentary :
In this joke Comrade Stalin makes the point that while revolutionaries march on their stomachs, in is only through the bullet that peace can be maintained.
Under the new glasnost regime in Russia, it is now possible to access some of his favourite jokes, which he collected throughout his life. It is important to note that these jokes were never treated lightly by his audience, and it was not uncommon for a political officer to offer an appropriate commentary to illustrate the high moral point of the joke.
We are pleased to introduce a selection of some of Stalin’s favourite jokes, with a brief commentary by Chomráid Smirnoff-Boland, our ethnic officer.
Joke No 1
A wife says to her husband : “Go to the shops and get some meat”. Even though it is winter, the man obeys and walks to the butchers. He joins the queue and waits for over eight hours. Eventually, the butcher comes out and says to the queue “ Go home. WE have run out of meat. There is no meat left !”. The man becomes angry and starts to shout “ How dare you treat me this way ! I am a veteran of the 1917 revolution and have been a socialist all my life. You cannot treat me this way !” A man in hat and long coat approached him and led him to one side. This man said : “ Comrade, you must be careful with your talk like that. Things are not so bad now. If you had spoken like that in the old days you know what would have happened.” He pointed his forefinger to his forehead, and pulled an imaginary trigger.
The man went home to his wife and said “ Things are really really bad!”
She asked “ Do you mean they have run out of meat ?”
“It’s worse than that”, he said. “ They’ve run out of bullets! “
Commentary :
In this joke Comrade Stalin makes the point that while revolutionaries march on their stomachs, in is only through the bullet that peace can be maintained.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
From THE BEACON Vol 1 Issue 1

Padraig Mac Saoirse is something of a legend in leftist circles, having been involved in almost all the major and minor parties of the Irish left in an active political life of almost 60 years. In that time he has matured from the rash young firebrand of the Trinity Trotskyist movement to the more sober and mature figurehead of numerous parties from the Young Socialists to the International Anarchist Movement. His restlessness was a sign of both increasing commitment to the socialist cause and increasing disillusionment with the various parties he was involved with. Eschewing all forms of personal promotion, he has been a major influence in every movement he was part of.
While he has been criticized as the purist ne plus ultra, he has recently surprised his colleagues and friends by forming a new party, the Recreational Socialist party of Ireland. This party is designed to re-create socialism, to realign it with its original intentions. Fearful of creating a personality cult, Mac Saoirse avoids all photography and does not do interviews. He has agreed though to allow the publication of a dialogue between the two of us, which he has had ample opportunity to comment on. Mac Saoirse is referred to as Mac. I am referred to as Int.
Mac :Socialism has become corrupt , and has become prone to incorrect interpretation. One of the biggest obstacles is the confusion of Marxism with democratic notions, and the mixing of socialism with political parties. It cannot be done as the whole notion of political parties per se creates the illusion of choice when in fact there is none. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Obama or Mc Cain, Fine gael or Fianna Fail, the Socialist workers party or the PD’s ; for the proletariat there is no change. For the capitalist overlords there is no change. Middlle class self-righteous moralists may take some succour in political parties, but that is a form of escapism. Political parties are a product of the capitalist chimera of choice and no self-respecting socialist should have anything to do with them”.
This is what has happened with Chomráid Chavez in Venezuela. He has fallen under the spell of popular approval, forgetting that the revolution when it comes will not be based on bourgeois ideas such as “approval” or “democracy” but on the overthrow of those ideas and those hierarchies of ideology. And the ultimate Armageddon of the confrontation of the capitalists and the proletariat.
Int : But can you have a party without some form of approval ?? I mean, even by its own members ?
Mac :Now we get to the nub of it. Listen to me. You cannot. Yet you must. I repeat. You cannot. Yet you must. What is unique about the Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland is that one of our first acts is to denounce our own existence. We will be the first to put ourselves up against the wall when the revolution comes. This is the only way in which the purity of the revolution can be maintained. Our role at best is catalytical.
Int : But surely that is suicidal ?
Mac : “That is the choice. Either to be first up against the wall, or to be crushed by the proletariat. The former is the more noble.”
Int : So there can be no organisation ?
Mac : The only organisation that matters will spontaneously evolve from the proletariat.
Int :Isn’t this anarchy ?
Mac : No, it isn’t anything that can be recognised because our terms and structures of recognition are based on capitalistic ideology. What occurs will occur outside this ideology.
Int : So what is the role of the revolutionary?
The role of the revolutionary is to wait, to patiently wait, and be prepared to act at all times. This readiness must be coupled with the commitment to never act as all action is determined and provoked by capitalist ideology. The proletariat are the only ones who can be freed of this taint. I cannot and you cannot. We are born bourgeois and remain so to our dying days.
The history of revolution thus far is the history of failure in all cases. We see a creeping revanchement in China, Russia and even beloved Cuba. The international and clandestine forces of capitalism remain strong so the revolutionary must be patient, and ready to pay the ultimate sacrifice at a moment’s notice.
To read the full dialogue and other thought provoking material, buy THE BEACON now.
For subscriptions, email recreational.socialist@gmail.com
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Fraternal Greetings from the RTE Current Affairs /News Team (CANT) We are dedicated to bringing about the destruction of capitalism by utilising the media at every opportunity to promote the causes dear to our hearts and to point out at all times the failure of capitalism the failings in particular of our capitalist society. For this reason, at all times we feature negative news on the economy and whenever we find any news that capitalists term good, we always include spoiler. Our expert in this matter, though not a party member, is George Lee. Through the astute use of behavioural therapy, and sleep-induced learning, we have programmed Mr Lee to respond like a Pavlov’s dog so that the failure of the capitalist economy is portrayed as an ever present danger.
A second prong of our attack is our promotion of SIPTU and ICTU apparatchiks at every possible opportunity. We try to have union representatives on each of the daily news programmes at least two times so that the ongoing class struggle can be witnessed by the proletariat.
Finally, as a demonstration of our social conscience, should any charity or left wing social organisation make any pronouncement of any kind, we will make that the main headline on our evening news. Where else in the world does the percentage of our beloved citizens (except for capitalists) who are in relative poverty is the main evening news story ? Where else in the world can an a news team be paid by the state to destoy its foundations? Brothers, (except for capitalists) Rejoice -- the day will come soon.
Go néirí na h-oibrí leat
Fraternal Greetings from the RTE Current Affairs /News Team (CANT) We are dedicated to bringing about the destruction of capitalism by utilising the media at every opportunity to promote the causes dear to our hearts and to point out at all times the failure of capitalism the failings in particular of our capitalist society. For this reason, at all times we feature negative news on the economy and whenever we find any news that capitalists term good, we always include spoiler. Our expert in this matter, though not a party member, is George Lee. Through the astute use of behavioural therapy, and sleep-induced learning, we have programmed Mr Lee to respond like a Pavlov’s dog so that the failure of the capitalist economy is portrayed as an ever present danger.
A second prong of our attack is our promotion of SIPTU and ICTU apparatchiks at every possible opportunity. We try to have union representatives on each of the daily news programmes at least two times so that the ongoing class struggle can be witnessed by the proletariat.
Finally, as a demonstration of our social conscience, should any charity or left wing social organisation make any pronouncement of any kind, we will make that the main headline on our evening news. Where else in the world does the percentage of our beloved citizens (except for capitalists) who are in relative poverty is the main evening news story ? Where else in the world can an a news team be paid by the state to destoy its foundations? Brothers, (except for capitalists) Rejoice -- the day will come soon.
Go néirí na h-oibrí leat
Israeli Palestinian Situation
The RSPI is pleased to announce its party policy on the Palestinian Israeli Conflict. This policy has been the result of much discussion and passion among party members, and information was drawn from many media sources. The policy is as follows :
The RSPI totally repudiates the use of violence by the so-called Israeli Defence Forces in their brutal repression of the Palestinian people. The RSPI totally condemns the support given to the Zionist Fascist Government of Israel by the US of A, and calls on the US of A to immediately withdraw its support from the Zionist Apartheid government and to use its influence to have the Israeli proto-fascists boycotted by all governments of the world. We call on all governments to recognise the rights of the Palestinian people to self –determination, and we totally support the rights of the Palestinians to use violence in order to further their cause. Further, we feel that in a spirit of “positive discrimination”, the Palestinians should be allowed to attack Israel at will for a period of 40 years, while the IDF must be confined to barracks for that period. We feel that this would compensate the Palestinians for the imbalance in military power that has plagued a final solution to this problem for the past four decades. We feel that redressing the balance in this way will lead to a lasting peace in the region.
The RSPI totally repudiates the use of violence by the so-called Israeli Defence Forces in their brutal repression of the Palestinian people. The RSPI totally condemns the support given to the Zionist Fascist Government of Israel by the US of A, and calls on the US of A to immediately withdraw its support from the Zionist Apartheid government and to use its influence to have the Israeli proto-fascists boycotted by all governments of the world. We call on all governments to recognise the rights of the Palestinian people to self –determination, and we totally support the rights of the Palestinians to use violence in order to further their cause. Further, we feel that in a spirit of “positive discrimination”, the Palestinians should be allowed to attack Israel at will for a period of 40 years, while the IDF must be confined to barracks for that period. We feel that this would compensate the Palestinians for the imbalance in military power that has plagued a final solution to this problem for the past four decades. We feel that redressing the balance in this way will lead to a lasting peace in the region.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Appointment of Theoretical Officer
Manuel Rubén Abimael Guzmán Reynoso (Sendero Luminosa).
Pol Pot. (Khmer Rouge)
Lenin. (Russian Communist Party)
Alex Callinicos (SWP)
Deng Xiao Peng (Chinese Communist Party)
Each movement of the masses has its supreme theoretician to guide it. The proletariat has become so oppressed that it needs to be awoken to the reality of the chains that bind it. The role of the theoretician is to firstly, break through the boundaries of his or her own class, and then to light the way for others. We have decided to appoint Chomrade O Beochain as the supreme theoretician of our beloved Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland. Below, he outlines four great principles which will clarify the future directiopn of the movement.
Further to this first posting on the re-education of the capitalists after their removal to the countryside , a thought has struck me on what to do with their wives and families.
At first glance it appears that the wives ,for example, are innocent victims of the inexorable tide of history as class struggle results in the dictatorship of the proletariat headed by our soon to be Great Chomrade.
A closer examination, however, uncovers the usually overlooked complicity of the wives in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the capitalist class.Apart from the obvious breeding of future generations the wives allow themselves to be considered trophies – take a peek any morning into any gym in any affluent suburb to behold the wasteful lifestyle trophy wives vying with one another as to who has the most expensive car or who has just returned from the most expensive Caribbean holiday.
Towards a Theory of Familial Responsibility in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the Capitalist Class
Capitalists reduce production of necessities of life to commodities
Hankering after these commodities = Commodity Fetishism
Bourgeois females are brainwashed into offering themselves as commodities(Proof – just check out a group of such wives at any forementioned gym or private school car park and observe the difference in physical terms between this group and corresponding groups of females in working class areas )It is as if a Darwinian natural selection is at work – but no
Great Principle 1
Nature is the locus of ideology
Great Principle 2
Das Capital and control of the means of production are what give rise to the apparently’natural’
Great Principle 3
In the realm of ideology control of the means of production = control of what appears natural
In the realm of economics control of the means of production by capitalists= control of the selection of female sex partners by male capitalists
Great Principle 4
Das Capital and Sexual relationships are mutually inclusive
The implications of this interdependency will be discussed in the coming days as will be what a true revolutionary should be prepared to do to restore economic and sexual hegemony to the working class
This analysis is of course not watertight - there are clearly blurred edges to any type of generalisation. For example, some capitalists are female and do not generally marry male trophy husbands. (MTH) In case where this phenomenon of MTH does occurs it violates 'normal' capitalist sexual relationships ( which function to reproduce the capitalist class as we have seen)and as such it should be welcomed by a sincere revolutionary, even if at first sight it seems to be a mere re-presentation of male capitalist social/sexual activity.
Furthermore, as the RSPI has revealed true recreation implies the unfettered enjoyment of all possibilities of social/sexual relationships. The problem with capitalist control of recreation is that it is predicated upon an actual interdict against real re-creation in that it seek to replicate the conditions that allow the means of production to remain in the clutches of the bourgeoise through the generations. In other words, the entire space of eroticism /desire lies open to a RSPI revolutionary once these Programs for liberation have been implemented . Now re-creation can exist both in a space of pure enjoyment without reference to biological reproduction. When this free expression of enjoyment results in human reproduction it will re-create new classless heroes of our post-revoltionary state.
Least this analysis be villified as a merely male perspective on sexual /social relations let my readers be assured that we would welcome contributions from a female perspective.
We would particularly welcome ideas on how females who were hitherto subjucated by the class system could exact some form of redress from the soon to be incarcerated male bosses. As the LTWs were farmed out to deprived refugees, perhaps some scenario could be arranged whereby proletariat females would be granted control of the newly incarcerated male bosses.
Let us remember that subverting the present system by whatever means is always our immediate goal.
Go neiri na h-oibri leat
Pol Pot. (Khmer Rouge)
Lenin. (Russian Communist Party)
Alex Callinicos (SWP)
Deng Xiao Peng (Chinese Communist Party)
Each movement of the masses has its supreme theoretician to guide it. The proletariat has become so oppressed that it needs to be awoken to the reality of the chains that bind it. The role of the theoretician is to firstly, break through the boundaries of his or her own class, and then to light the way for others. We have decided to appoint Chomrade O Beochain as the supreme theoretician of our beloved Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland. Below, he outlines four great principles which will clarify the future directiopn of the movement.
Further to this first posting on the re-education of the capitalists after their removal to the countryside , a thought has struck me on what to do with their wives and families.
At first glance it appears that the wives ,for example, are innocent victims of the inexorable tide of history as class struggle results in the dictatorship of the proletariat headed by our soon to be Great Chomrade.
A closer examination, however, uncovers the usually overlooked complicity of the wives in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the capitalist class.Apart from the obvious breeding of future generations the wives allow themselves to be considered trophies – take a peek any morning into any gym in any affluent suburb to behold the wasteful lifestyle trophy wives vying with one another as to who has the most expensive car or who has just returned from the most expensive Caribbean holiday.
Towards a Theory of Familial Responsibility in the perpetuation of the hegemony of the Capitalist Class
Capitalists reduce production of necessities of life to commodities
Hankering after these commodities = Commodity Fetishism
Bourgeois females are brainwashed into offering themselves as commodities(Proof – just check out a group of such wives at any forementioned gym or private school car park and observe the difference in physical terms between this group and corresponding groups of females in working class areas )It is as if a Darwinian natural selection is at work – but no
Great Principle 1
Nature is the locus of ideology
Great Principle 2
Das Capital and control of the means of production are what give rise to the apparently’natural’
Great Principle 3
In the realm of ideology control of the means of production = control of what appears natural
In the realm of economics control of the means of production by capitalists= control of the selection of female sex partners by male capitalists
Great Principle 4
Das Capital and Sexual relationships are mutually inclusive
The implications of this interdependency will be discussed in the coming days as will be what a true revolutionary should be prepared to do to restore economic and sexual hegemony to the working class
This analysis is of course not watertight - there are clearly blurred edges to any type of generalisation. For example, some capitalists are female and do not generally marry male trophy husbands. (MTH) In case where this phenomenon of MTH does occurs it violates 'normal' capitalist sexual relationships ( which function to reproduce the capitalist class as we have seen)and as such it should be welcomed by a sincere revolutionary, even if at first sight it seems to be a mere re-presentation of male capitalist social/sexual activity.
Furthermore, as the RSPI has revealed true recreation implies the unfettered enjoyment of all possibilities of social/sexual relationships. The problem with capitalist control of recreation is that it is predicated upon an actual interdict against real re-creation in that it seek to replicate the conditions that allow the means of production to remain in the clutches of the bourgeoise through the generations. In other words, the entire space of eroticism /desire lies open to a RSPI revolutionary once these Programs for liberation have been implemented . Now re-creation can exist both in a space of pure enjoyment without reference to biological reproduction. When this free expression of enjoyment results in human reproduction it will re-create new classless heroes of our post-revoltionary state.
Least this analysis be villified as a merely male perspective on sexual /social relations let my readers be assured that we would welcome contributions from a female perspective.
We would particularly welcome ideas on how females who were hitherto subjucated by the class system could exact some form of redress from the soon to be incarcerated male bosses. As the LTWs were farmed out to deprived refugees, perhaps some scenario could be arranged whereby proletariat females would be granted control of the newly incarcerated male bosses.
Let us remember that subverting the present system by whatever means is always our immediate goal.
Go neiri na h-oibri leat
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Following on from our announcement of General Principles 1,2,3,4 and 4 it is now incumbent upon us to enter the whole area of praxis. A revolutionary movement requires praxis as knowledge requires power. By praxis , we mean real political action.
Sexual reproduction serves to perpetuate the ruling class as we have seen.
We can identify the various spheres in which the relationships between the capitalists and their females are played out:
(1) The educational system ; from Nursery school onwards
(2) The courting process where financial hegomony masquerades as natural selection
(3) Contractual arrangements whch underpin and give longevity to the relationship
(4) Handing on of wealth and privelege to the next generation
Each of these 4 spheres requires a separate and thorough analysis and we invite party members to freely contribute to this area of study.These studies will clearly mark out the need for praxis. In short what can we do to subvert this appalling yet largely unrecognised blemish on the face of our pre-revolutionary state .
May I modestly suggest:
(1) The establishment of especially constructed boarding schools where the off-spring of such unions would be re-educated . The children would be foster chilren of the state rather like the children of ancient Irish chieftains were fostered out to neighbouring chieftains to produce alliances as well as strengthening the moral fibre of the said children. The parents of these children would only be allowed to visit their off-spring when their revolutionary fervour was deemed of sufficient strength to allow them to safely interact with their children
(2) The farming out of lifestyle trophy wives to males at the opposite end of the social spectrum.
This would have the effect of in some measure compensensating the most miserable, the most downtrodden of the underclass males for their lives of subjucation to the boss class. These lives of abject misery had witnessed the exploiters of their labour enjoying carnal pleasures with
the lifestyle trophy wives (LTW).The LTWs would have the pleasure of what in common parlance has been known as a bit of rough trade and would be subjected to a genuine mind expansion experience. In the past to the LTW 'mind expansion ' meant little more than abuse of
mind altering substances , a phenomenon of late capitalism's decadence. Now, mind expansion would mean identification with non-bourgeois perceptions of our commonly shared world. Off-spring of the envisaged carnal encounters would become hero pilots of a new world order.
I would recommend that we begin this process by inviting the particpation of the most oppressed of the 'new Irish',refugees mainly from Nigeria. The scramble for Africa by the colonial powers for the dark continent would be transmuted into the scramble by Africa for a different sort of dark continent.
(3)Commodity fetishism would be turned on its head. The reproducers of the producers of commodity fetishism would become the objects of sexual fetishism. An interesting new dynamic would emerge whereby all levels of human relationships would be forever irrevocably transformed - a bit of strange would only be strange for a time until a new eroticism emerged .
The recreational socialist party is open to new and innovative forms of all economic production and sexual reproduction . As we saw earlier there is a mutually inclusivity between the two and as we now notice there is a similiar inclusive relationship between commodity fetishism engendered by late capitalism and our praxis whereby we make post capitalist reproducing females the objects of dark desire and in the process open up new possibilitities of sexual fetish.
Sexual reproduction serves to perpetuate the ruling class as we have seen.
We can identify the various spheres in which the relationships between the capitalists and their females are played out:
(1) The educational system ; from Nursery school onwards
(2) The courting process where financial hegomony masquerades as natural selection
(3) Contractual arrangements whch underpin and give longevity to the relationship
(4) Handing on of wealth and privelege to the next generation
Each of these 4 spheres requires a separate and thorough analysis and we invite party members to freely contribute to this area of study.These studies will clearly mark out the need for praxis. In short what can we do to subvert this appalling yet largely unrecognised blemish on the face of our pre-revolutionary state .
May I modestly suggest:
(1) The establishment of especially constructed boarding schools where the off-spring of such unions would be re-educated . The children would be foster chilren of the state rather like the children of ancient Irish chieftains were fostered out to neighbouring chieftains to produce alliances as well as strengthening the moral fibre of the said children. The parents of these children would only be allowed to visit their off-spring when their revolutionary fervour was deemed of sufficient strength to allow them to safely interact with their children
(2) The farming out of lifestyle trophy wives to males at the opposite end of the social spectrum.
This would have the effect of in some measure compensensating the most miserable, the most downtrodden of the underclass males for their lives of subjucation to the boss class. These lives of abject misery had witnessed the exploiters of their labour enjoying carnal pleasures with
the lifestyle trophy wives (LTW).The LTWs would have the pleasure of what in common parlance has been known as a bit of rough trade and would be subjected to a genuine mind expansion experience. In the past to the LTW 'mind expansion ' meant little more than abuse of
mind altering substances , a phenomenon of late capitalism's decadence. Now, mind expansion would mean identification with non-bourgeois perceptions of our commonly shared world. Off-spring of the envisaged carnal encounters would become hero pilots of a new world order.
I would recommend that we begin this process by inviting the particpation of the most oppressed of the 'new Irish',refugees mainly from Nigeria. The scramble for Africa by the colonial powers for the dark continent would be transmuted into the scramble by Africa for a different sort of dark continent.
(3)Commodity fetishism would be turned on its head. The reproducers of the producers of commodity fetishism would become the objects of sexual fetishism. An interesting new dynamic would emerge whereby all levels of human relationships would be forever irrevocably transformed - a bit of strange would only be strange for a time until a new eroticism emerged .
The recreational socialist party is open to new and innovative forms of all economic production and sexual reproduction . As we saw earlier there is a mutually inclusivity between the two and as we now notice there is a similiar inclusive relationship between commodity fetishism engendered by late capitalism and our praxis whereby we make post capitalist reproducing females the objects of dark desire and in the process open up new possibilitities of sexual fetish.
First Blows Struck

Below we present the report of our Dun Laoighaire branch on their expedition to ignite revolution in the broad masses. Our DL branch decided to travel to one of the main working class areas of Dublin to report on the working class and to spread word on the revolution.
08.10 a.m. Gathering of revolutionaries at Bus stop outside Shopping Centre.Weather fair to middling : the capitalist enclave of Howth clearly visible across the bay.
08.36 Board bus in good spirits. Chomrade O Beochain kindly pays for revolutionaries. Bus driver most welcoming, recognizing fellow warriors in the class struggle. We greet driver with warm affection; driver responds by shaking his head in disbelief at the warmth of our greeting.
08.40 Seated in the upstairs of the bus, we observe the passing sights of Dun Laoighaire through the mild rain. We see the oppressed masses huddling in doorways while members of the boss class parade around in umbrellas
09.00 Passing through Ballsbridge, we lead the masses in rousing revolutionary songs such as :
Black storms shake the sky
Black clouds blind us
Although death and pain await us
Against the enemy we must go
The most precious good
is freedom
And we have to defend it
With courage and faith
Raise the revolutionary flag
Moving us forward with unstoppable triumph
Working people march onwards to the battle
We have to smash the reaction
To the Barricades
To the Barricades
For the triumph
of the Confederation
Sons of the people
Son of the people, chains oppress you
And this injustice cannot continue.
If your existence is a world of grief
Death is better than being a slave
Those profoundly selfish bourgeoisie,
Who thus tear apart humanity, will be
Swept away by the anarchists
At the strong cry of liberty!
Oh, red banner
No more suffering!
The exploitation
Has to surrender.
Raise yourself up, loyal people,
At the cry of the social revolution.
There is nothing to lose.
Only the union
Will be able to demand it.
Our shield
You will not break.
Clumsy Bourgeoisie!
Get back! Get back!
The working class hearts that beat
For our cause, will be joyful;
If enthusiastic and united they fight
For the victory, our palms will obtain it.
The proletariats have to treat
The bourgeoisie with pride,
And combat as well as remember
Their wicked stupidity.
Oh! Red banner . . .
We were interrupted at various points by well wishing broad masses whose faces filled with laughter as we sang and some made different gestures of solidarity with our revolutionary aims.
10.01 We change buses in the city centre and head towards Darndale. We asked the driver to tell us when we got to the working class areas. In solidarity with the oppressed proletariat, he looked at us and shook his head.
Chomraidi, what a shock to see how the working class are being oppressed. When we alighted in Darndale the first thing we noticed was that there were very few people on the streets. We were unsure as to why this was but a local told us that most of the grown men were in the hands of the parasitic classes, and were being exploited as we spoke. We immediately organized a spontaneous rally and the broad masses gathered around usas they walked by.
We exhorted them to rise up against their oppressors and to remove the boots of the treacherous splittists from their brow. Alas, they did not seem to respond as they are so downtrodden and oppressed that they did not recognize in us a kindred spirit.
Quite suddenly, we were under attack from an organized group of youths who threw stones at us and hurled all manner of vile abuse. I lead the retreat from the back as we made our getaway under a hail of missiles.
10.15 We gladly jumped on a bus and made our way safely back towards the city centre. The conversation was excited as we felt that perhaps the first action of the final revolution had begun. As we ate our sandwiches on the bus, we realized that capitalist bullyboys had been alerted to our presence, and had been dispatched to drive us out of the area.
Chomráidí – we only now realize how deeply controlled the proletariat is by the bully boys. As we made our way back to Dun Laoighaire we made a vow that we would not return to Darndale until the curse of capitalism had been removed through the wizardry of the workers revolution.
Go néirí na h-oibrí leat
08.10 a.m. Gathering of revolutionaries at Bus stop outside Shopping Centre.Weather fair to middling : the capitalist enclave of Howth clearly visible across the bay.
08.36 Board bus in good spirits. Chomrade O Beochain kindly pays for revolutionaries. Bus driver most welcoming, recognizing fellow warriors in the class struggle. We greet driver with warm affection; driver responds by shaking his head in disbelief at the warmth of our greeting.
08.40 Seated in the upstairs of the bus, we observe the passing sights of Dun Laoighaire through the mild rain. We see the oppressed masses huddling in doorways while members of the boss class parade around in umbrellas
09.00 Passing through Ballsbridge, we lead the masses in rousing revolutionary songs such as :
Black storms shake the sky
Black clouds blind us
Although death and pain await us
Against the enemy we must go
The most precious good
is freedom
And we have to defend it
With courage and faith
Raise the revolutionary flag
Moving us forward with unstoppable triumph
Working people march onwards to the battle
We have to smash the reaction
To the Barricades
To the Barricades
For the triumph
of the Confederation
Sons of the people
Son of the people, chains oppress you
And this injustice cannot continue.
If your existence is a world of grief
Death is better than being a slave
Those profoundly selfish bourgeoisie,
Who thus tear apart humanity, will be
Swept away by the anarchists
At the strong cry of liberty!
Oh, red banner
No more suffering!
The exploitation
Has to surrender.
Raise yourself up, loyal people,
At the cry of the social revolution.
There is nothing to lose.
Only the union
Will be able to demand it.
Our shield
You will not break.
Clumsy Bourgeoisie!
Get back! Get back!
The working class hearts that beat
For our cause, will be joyful;
If enthusiastic and united they fight
For the victory, our palms will obtain it.
The proletariats have to treat
The bourgeoisie with pride,
And combat as well as remember
Their wicked stupidity.
Oh! Red banner . . .
We were interrupted at various points by well wishing broad masses whose faces filled with laughter as we sang and some made different gestures of solidarity with our revolutionary aims.
10.01 We change buses in the city centre and head towards Darndale. We asked the driver to tell us when we got to the working class areas. In solidarity with the oppressed proletariat, he looked at us and shook his head.
Chomraidi, what a shock to see how the working class are being oppressed. When we alighted in Darndale the first thing we noticed was that there were very few people on the streets. We were unsure as to why this was but a local told us that most of the grown men were in the hands of the parasitic classes, and were being exploited as we spoke. We immediately organized a spontaneous rally and the broad masses gathered around usas they walked by.
We exhorted them to rise up against their oppressors and to remove the boots of the treacherous splittists from their brow. Alas, they did not seem to respond as they are so downtrodden and oppressed that they did not recognize in us a kindred spirit.
Quite suddenly, we were under attack from an organized group of youths who threw stones at us and hurled all manner of vile abuse. I lead the retreat from the back as we made our getaway under a hail of missiles.
10.15 We gladly jumped on a bus and made our way safely back towards the city centre. The conversation was excited as we felt that perhaps the first action of the final revolution had begun. As we ate our sandwiches on the bus, we realized that capitalist bullyboys had been alerted to our presence, and had been dispatched to drive us out of the area.
Chomráidí – we only now realize how deeply controlled the proletariat is by the bully boys. As we made our way back to Dun Laoighaire we made a vow that we would not return to Darndale until the curse of capitalism had been removed through the wizardry of the workers revolution.
Go néirí na h-oibrí leat
Friday, July 4, 2008
Discussion document
The purpose of this document is to launch a regroupment process, which will culminate in a conference after a period of discussion regarding the formation of general committees, the setting up of specialist committees, consultation with individual members and groups of specialized members, vetting by racism and equality committees members and finally the instigation of a consultation process with members of the working class on a door-to-door , one – to – one basis .No end date is envisioned as the party must see itself as being in constant renewal.
1. It is an invitation to everyone who would be interested in establishing a new revolutionary organisation based on an understanding of the need for Marxists to build a revolutionary organisation and to work for the widest and strongest unity of the working class on economic, social and political issues. However, the following are not invited :
Members of the Anarchy Party
Associates of the Tony Bliar
2. We propose a regroupment, based on our common traditions as active recreational socialists. This proposal emerges from practical collaboration over the recent period in building other parties. We also appeal to independent revolutionaries and new militants to join us. In particualr fiercely independent revolutionaries. You guys are really serious.
3. We have a shared analysis of the nature of class society and how it can be changed. Capitalism is an outmoded system which cannot satisfy even the most basic needs of tens of billions of the world’s population. The further advance of humanity and the protection of the environment from catastrophe can only be achieved by the creation of a socialist society when the means of production are wrested from the owner classes, and the owners forced out of the cities to grow organic food for the masses.
4. The capitalist state cannot be reformed but has to be overthrown and replaced by a workers’ state. This revolutionary act can only be carried out by the working class, the only agency that can transform society. Previous transformations such as those by industrialists, by arm coups, by the American so-called revolution, were not in fact transformations, but deceptions in the class struggle the purpose of which was to keep the proletariat in chains and blind to their great power.
6. The emancipation of the working class is the task of the working class itself, acting as a class in its own interests. However, the working class need to be educated and led toward this goal. Socialism cannot be achieved from above by reformist politicians or trade union leaders, but only by the party. The struggle for socialism is international; the struggle of workers and the oppressed everywhere is one struggle (except for the struggles of the owners).
7. We recognize that capitalism uses the oppression of certain social groups to divide the working class. The organisations of the working class must constantly strive to overcome any divisions by advancing the causes of these oppressed groups. We oppose all forms of oppression (except the oppression of the capitalist class by the proletariat)and defend the right of the oppressed to self-organization. We support, and will participate in, the struggles against national oppression, women’s oppression, racism and Islamophobia and against homophobia. We have a problem with Islamic homophobes which we will solve by keeping them on separate committes. We will announce our policy on anti-semitism in a different document.
8. What existed in the “communist bloc” was not socialism. It was a Stalinist perversion of socialism; a dictatorship that brutally oppressed all political opposition, suppressed workers’ rights and trampled on workers’ democracy. What existed in other so-called socialist countries is also a travesty of socialism . Only the party can avoid the pitfalls of these travesties.
9. The dominant ideas of the present society are those of the capitalist class. For the revolution to succeed the most militant workers and their allies have to be organised into a revolutionary organisation which challenges and confronts that ideology with one in the interests of the new socialist society. Structural similarities between Capitalist and Socialist ideology will not be acknowledged.
10. The revolutionary organisation must be part of the working class and take part in the life and struggles of the working class and the oppressed. It seeks to absorb the lessons of working-class struggles from the past and from today. It must give guidance and perspective to its members in their activity in the workplace, communities and campaigns. Theoretical study and discussion serve as a guide to the practical work of the organisation.
11. Any revolutionary organization must be democratic, including the right to organize around minority viewpoints, but must aim to act in a unified manner. In this way the many voices will be subsumed into one voice.
12. We are internationalists, against imperialism and war(with some exceptions); we stand for mass action from below in the interests of the working class; we do not set ourselves apart from the working class and its organisations but seek the broadest agreement with others, using the methods of the united-front. Our aim is both to advance the interests of the class and the ideas of revolutionary socialism. To these ends we will explore the possibility of links with other revolutionaries internationally.
1. It is an invitation to everyone who would be interested in establishing a new revolutionary organisation based on an understanding of the need for Marxists to build a revolutionary organisation and to work for the widest and strongest unity of the working class on economic, social and political issues. However, the following are not invited :
Members of the Anarchy Party
Associates of the Tony Bliar
2. We propose a regroupment, based on our common traditions as active recreational socialists. This proposal emerges from practical collaboration over the recent period in building other parties. We also appeal to independent revolutionaries and new militants to join us. In particualr fiercely independent revolutionaries. You guys are really serious.
3. We have a shared analysis of the nature of class society and how it can be changed. Capitalism is an outmoded system which cannot satisfy even the most basic needs of tens of billions of the world’s population. The further advance of humanity and the protection of the environment from catastrophe can only be achieved by the creation of a socialist society when the means of production are wrested from the owner classes, and the owners forced out of the cities to grow organic food for the masses.
4. The capitalist state cannot be reformed but has to be overthrown and replaced by a workers’ state. This revolutionary act can only be carried out by the working class, the only agency that can transform society. Previous transformations such as those by industrialists, by arm coups, by the American so-called revolution, were not in fact transformations, but deceptions in the class struggle the purpose of which was to keep the proletariat in chains and blind to their great power.
6. The emancipation of the working class is the task of the working class itself, acting as a class in its own interests. However, the working class need to be educated and led toward this goal. Socialism cannot be achieved from above by reformist politicians or trade union leaders, but only by the party. The struggle for socialism is international; the struggle of workers and the oppressed everywhere is one struggle (except for the struggles of the owners).
7. We recognize that capitalism uses the oppression of certain social groups to divide the working class. The organisations of the working class must constantly strive to overcome any divisions by advancing the causes of these oppressed groups. We oppose all forms of oppression (except the oppression of the capitalist class by the proletariat)and defend the right of the oppressed to self-organization. We support, and will participate in, the struggles against national oppression, women’s oppression, racism and Islamophobia and against homophobia. We have a problem with Islamic homophobes which we will solve by keeping them on separate committes. We will announce our policy on anti-semitism in a different document.
8. What existed in the “communist bloc” was not socialism. It was a Stalinist perversion of socialism; a dictatorship that brutally oppressed all political opposition, suppressed workers’ rights and trampled on workers’ democracy. What existed in other so-called socialist countries is also a travesty of socialism . Only the party can avoid the pitfalls of these travesties.
9. The dominant ideas of the present society are those of the capitalist class. For the revolution to succeed the most militant workers and their allies have to be organised into a revolutionary organisation which challenges and confronts that ideology with one in the interests of the new socialist society. Structural similarities between Capitalist and Socialist ideology will not be acknowledged.
10. The revolutionary organisation must be part of the working class and take part in the life and struggles of the working class and the oppressed. It seeks to absorb the lessons of working-class struggles from the past and from today. It must give guidance and perspective to its members in their activity in the workplace, communities and campaigns. Theoretical study and discussion serve as a guide to the practical work of the organisation.
11. Any revolutionary organization must be democratic, including the right to organize around minority viewpoints, but must aim to act in a unified manner. In this way the many voices will be subsumed into one voice.
12. We are internationalists, against imperialism and war(with some exceptions); we stand for mass action from below in the interests of the working class; we do not set ourselves apart from the working class and its organisations but seek the broadest agreement with others, using the methods of the united-front. Our aim is both to advance the interests of the class and the ideas of revolutionary socialism. To these ends we will explore the possibility of links with other revolutionaries internationally.
We have been very impressed by the comment left by Chomrade O Beochan and have decided to include it on our main page. We trust that it will inspire those of us who are locked in the class struggle to continue with the fight until the despised and parasitic employer class is crushed and flattened under the powerful steamroller of the proletariat.
We will be issuing a number of postion papers over the coming weeks, and one of the first will
be on this supremely important topic of the re-education of the boss class. This will be under the rubric of :
A Lasting solution to the the Anachronism of the Employer/Boss Class : Re-education or Extermination ?
We issue a formal thanks to Chomrade O Beochan and invite him to develop his curruculum with the full blessing of the Politburo and the working class. We invite all members to submit papers on this important topic as we prepare the ground for the destruction of the exploiters and parastites.
Go neiri na-n-oibri leat
"Great to breathe the fresh air of new opportunity - It is important to consider what to do with the capitalist bosses after the revolution has succeeded.May I make the following suggestion: we send them to the countryside to be re-educated - after all, we can't allow thorns to prick and goad at our newly liberated state.This re-education would be carried out in specially constructed camps where the ideas of our President ,Chomrade Mac Saoirse could be effectively transmitted into the hearts and minds of our fallen fellow creatures.Like recovering drug addicts these unfortunate creatures would be rehabilitated through a stringent regime of healthy work on an organic farm and exposure to a full curriculum of emancipative study in all the core subjects currently studied in our Leaving Cert curriculum. This study would not have the usual effect of bolstering the capitalist state. It would not function as an arm of the Ideological State Apparatus, as our great forbearer Louis Althusser called it, rather it would liberate the individual former capitalist from the bonds of their own upbringing and allow them to joyously join the great heart of the Irish working class. If our esteemed President permits , I would be delighted to take on the mantle of organising this curriculum . It would not be necessary to immediately implement study in all the core areas – We could begin with the study of history . Our starting point would be of course 1848 , the year not only of revolutions but also of the publication of our master’s seminal publication “The Communist Manifesto” "
We will be issuing a number of postion papers over the coming weeks, and one of the first will
be on this supremely important topic of the re-education of the boss class. This will be under the rubric of :
A Lasting solution to the the Anachronism of the Employer/Boss Class : Re-education or Extermination ?
We issue a formal thanks to Chomrade O Beochan and invite him to develop his curruculum with the full blessing of the Politburo and the working class. We invite all members to submit papers on this important topic as we prepare the ground for the destruction of the exploiters and parastites.
Go neiri na-n-oibri leat
"Great to breathe the fresh air of new opportunity - It is important to consider what to do with the capitalist bosses after the revolution has succeeded.May I make the following suggestion: we send them to the countryside to be re-educated - after all, we can't allow thorns to prick and goad at our newly liberated state.This re-education would be carried out in specially constructed camps where the ideas of our President ,Chomrade Mac Saoirse could be effectively transmitted into the hearts and minds of our fallen fellow creatures.Like recovering drug addicts these unfortunate creatures would be rehabilitated through a stringent regime of healthy work on an organic farm and exposure to a full curriculum of emancipative study in all the core subjects currently studied in our Leaving Cert curriculum. This study would not have the usual effect of bolstering the capitalist state. It would not function as an arm of the Ideological State Apparatus, as our great forbearer Louis Althusser called it, rather it would liberate the individual former capitalist from the bonds of their own upbringing and allow them to joyously join the great heart of the Irish working class. If our esteemed President permits , I would be delighted to take on the mantle of organising this curriculum . It would not be necessary to immediately implement study in all the core areas – We could begin with the study of history . Our starting point would be of course 1848 , the year not only of revolutions but also of the publication of our master’s seminal publication “The Communist Manifesto” "
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
RSPI is pleased to announce the launch of its weekly newspaper, THE BEACON, to give voice to the musings of the exploited underclass and to publish inspiring aphorisms and exhortations .
We will be publishing extracts on this blog and we urge our readers to buy the offline paper. Cheap at 2 euros.
Tickets still available for our upcoming draw : contact recreational.socialist@gmail.com
We will be publishing extracts on this blog and we urge our readers to buy the offline paper. Cheap at 2 euros.
Tickets still available for our upcoming draw : contact recreational.socialist@gmail.com
Fraternal Greetings sent to our Venezuelan Brothers

Following a meeting of our politburo on Tuesday night, it was resolved to take immediate action regarding the massive increases in the price of oil. Make no mistake – these increases are designed by the politico-capitalist classes to further oppress the workers of Ireland and the RSPI cannot sit back and do nothing while the imperialist speculators take advantage of their monopolist control of the oil industry. Comrade Mac an sagairt spoke of the plight of a relative of his, who, through no fault of his own, runs a haulage company. He is now being forced to lay off glorious Irish workers because of the profiteering of multinationals serving their own interests and not the interests of the people. On top of this, his relative was recently forced to displace a broad mass of Irish worker because he wished to rescue some Polish workers from irresponsible exploitation.
We have decided to take the immediate action of contacting our Venezuelean chomráidí in the Revolutionary Bolivian Movement.
Dear Brothers in Revolution
Fraternal greetings from across the Atlantic Ocean to the hero of the Bolivian struggle, President (we hope for life) Hugo Chavez. We have witnessed your great success in Bolivia, and have seen how the broad masses love and support their great leader, who is leading them so fiercely in their struggle against the lackeys and interlopers of the world’s greatest terrorist, the US of A.
We salute you in your struggle and we salute the great victories you have achieved. We also salute the great trade agreements you have made with your neighbours, in particular, with our Cuban brothers, whereby you exchange oil with Cuba in return for Doctors and medical staff to treat the workers of Bolivia.
As you surely know, your proletariat brothers in Ireland are suffering because of the inflated price of oil due to the reckless profiteering of rootless speculators. Brothers, we wish to inaugurate a barter deal with your beloved and admired country whereby you might exchange oil with us in return for, not medical staff, but East European workers. These gentle and honest members of the proletariat have been exploited by the capitalist classes and now are being cast aside, having inadvertently displaced many brave Irish workers. Your co-operation in this matter would be of the greatest benefit to the class struggle here in Ireland, and would thwart the callous machinations of the jackal interlopers and rootless capitalists who are our common enemies.
As an initial offer, we would be willing to agree to a one for one exchange on the basis of one worker per gallon of petrol.
We look forward to your immediate response.
Chomrade Mac An Sagairt
Go neirí na h-oibrí leat
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Announcement on extension of fraternity to Iranian President

Following the inaugural meeting of the RSPI, the broad masses congregated in Slatterys in Rathmines in order to mix with the working classes, and learn about their drinking habits, and sell some tickets.
After a successful few rounds of discussion, the assembled masses agreed to meet in Tandoori Kebabs for further discussion and for education about the consumption habits of the working classes. While food was being prepared by migrant workers, the broad masses ascertained that the migrant workers were not being exploited. Chomrade Mac Phiarsigh proposed that fraternal greetings be extended to our brother-in-struggle, Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who could be considered a hero of the working class because of his resistance to American Imperialism, and his desire to extend the Iranian revolution to other countries in his region, and finally the world. The broad masses agreed, and it was decided that a missive be sent forthwith to Chomrada Ahmadinejad, promising him our full support in his political endeavours, and offering any help possible in his search for the Madhi, who will bring Justice to the entire world, though primarily to the working classes, and who would deal most savagely with the capitalist and boss classes.
After a successful few rounds of discussion, the assembled masses agreed to meet in Tandoori Kebabs for further discussion and for education about the consumption habits of the working classes. While food was being prepared by migrant workers, the broad masses ascertained that the migrant workers were not being exploited. Chomrade Mac Phiarsigh proposed that fraternal greetings be extended to our brother-in-struggle, Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who could be considered a hero of the working class because of his resistance to American Imperialism, and his desire to extend the Iranian revolution to other countries in his region, and finally the world. The broad masses agreed, and it was decided that a missive be sent forthwith to Chomrada Ahmadinejad, promising him our full support in his political endeavours, and offering any help possible in his search for the Madhi, who will bring Justice to the entire world, though primarily to the working classes, and who would deal most savagely with the capitalist and boss classes.
Statement from RTE branch
The following statement has been issued by na chomradai in RTE :
"We will endeavour to remove from public broadcasting the callous stereotyping of workers by the neo cons and their supporters and we will fight all caricatures and lampoons of the working class, and we will depict the heroes of the struggle in their daily fight against the class enemies. We will never relent in our portrayal of the reality of the corrupt management classes as imperialist lackeys and snake demons. Our masses will deploy all our ability in showing the true face of American neo-conism as the destroyer of working class values and beliefs and show how the running dogs of the Americans ( excluding Afro Americans, Irish Americans, Hispanic Americans, AmerIndians and all other subgroups) are the natural enemies of the struggling working and non-working class. "
Go neiri na h-oibri leat
Chomrade Mac Enaspie
"We will endeavour to remove from public broadcasting the callous stereotyping of workers by the neo cons and their supporters and we will fight all caricatures and lampoons of the working class, and we will depict the heroes of the struggle in their daily fight against the class enemies. We will never relent in our portrayal of the reality of the corrupt management classes as imperialist lackeys and snake demons. Our masses will deploy all our ability in showing the true face of American neo-conism as the destroyer of working class values and beliefs and show how the running dogs of the Americans ( excluding Afro Americans, Irish Americans, Hispanic Americans, AmerIndians and all other subgroups) are the natural enemies of the struggling working and non-working class. "
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Chomrade Mac Enaspie
The Politbureau is pleased to announce the opening of three new branches of the RSPI.
The RTE branch is headed by Chomrade Mac Enaspie and has at present 9 members, all in the news and current affairs Department. Chomrade MacEnaspie has agreed to keep us updated on all policy issues and all actions taken by the Branch.
The UCD branch is very strong, with the whole of the Sociology Department, and a majority of the Economics Department coming over to us from their present affiliations. Finally, the Civil Service Branch has rapidly grown its membership and now boasts 200 members.
Also, ticket sales are going well, with over 1000 euro raised so far. Keep up the good work !
The Politbureau is pleased to announce the opening of three new branches of the RSPI.
The RTE branch is headed by Chomrade Mac Enaspie and has at present 9 members, all in the news and current affairs Department. Chomrade MacEnaspie has agreed to keep us updated on all policy issues and all actions taken by the Branch.
The UCD branch is very strong, with the whole of the Sociology Department, and a majority of the Economics Department coming over to us from their present affiliations. Finally, the Civil Service Branch has rapidly grown its membership and now boasts 200 members.
Also, ticket sales are going well, with over 1000 euro raised so far. Keep up the good work !
Inauguration of Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland

Welcome to the website of the Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland (RSPI).
Our party was founded in the summer of 2008 in response to the failure of the left in Irish politics to offers a real alternative to the washed-out and corrupt politicing of the neo-cons and their growing influence on Irish society. The RSPI is intended to be a broad church of the left and to offer refuge to those poor souls who have been disappointed by the blatant and brazen denial of socialist values by the mainstream parties of the left, such as the Labour Party, The Socialist party, The Socialist Workers Party, the Anarchy Non-Party, the Anarchy Party, the Socialist Anarchy party, the Socialist Anarchy Non-Party, and the Non-Socalist Non-Anarchy Party ,Trotsky-Max Webberites who remain unaffiliated to this date.
There was only one nomination for President, Chomrade Padraig Mac Saoirse, who was well known to the masses present. Chomrade Mac Saoirse is a veteran of the Labour Party, The Socialist party, The Socialist Workers Party, the Anarchy Non-Party, the Anarchy Party, the Socialist Anarchy party, the Socialist Anarchy Non-Party, and the Non-Socalist Non-Anarchy Party ,Trotsky-Max Webberites who remain unaffiliated to this date. As such, his credentials are beyond reproach and his contacts with other parties of the left is impeccable. Chomrade Mac Saoirise graciously accepted the position of President, and said that it would not conflict with his prominent position in the sanitary staff of Barrystown IT.
The following is the text of the inauguration speech by Mr Phadraig Mac Saoirse, President Elect of the Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland (RSPI).
It is a great honour to speak to you here on this historic day for the masses, when the RSPI has taken a major step in promoting the efforts of the historically-burdened working classes to throw off the shackles of their oppressors and to transform society through agitation and revolution. For not much longer will brave workers be crushed under the heel of the bosses ; for not much longer will the face of the proletariat be spat upon by the jeering lackeys of the capitalist state ; for not much longer will the corporate demons threaten to forcibly possess our beloved and doe-eyed public servants and turn them into wanton hussies.
Soon the day will come when the workers of Ireland will be seen as a beacon to oppressed workers everywhere -- the masses will shout -- "We want to be beacons -- not neocons "(pause for applause) . We will expel the foreign roosters that have settled in our fair land, we will drive them back to the gates of that hell they come from, the US of A, and we will ensure that the purity of Irish Socialism in the tradition of Connolly, Higgins and Fallon is maintained at all costs.
Let the words reverberate throughout the country that the working class will no longer be treated as a footstool for the boots of the fascists and capitalist classes, that the working class will not be dictated to by gombeen politicians, and that the weasel words of traitors will be turned on their masters like pitbulls attacking their owners.
And now, chomrades, we must turn to more mundane matters. In order to generate funds for the RSPI, I have directed the politbureau to organise a raffle for some appropriate and tasteful prizes. Chomrade Mac Phiarsigh and Chomrade O Huigin will shortly pass among the masses with books of tickets. Please distribute these among the working classes and encourage them to purchase at east one book of tickets (three books for the price of two ). Chomraidi, Good luck to all. Third Prize will be a copy of Max Weber: A Critical Introduction -- a remaindered copy signed by the author. Second Prize is a north Korean Army Surplus Coat from same; and First Prize is a week in Cuba, kindly donated by Budget Travel, who are the official travel agents of the RSPI.
I would like to thank you all for coming to mark this historic day when the head of capitalism is being butted by the righteous indigation of the united workers our great little country.
Go neiri na h-oibri leat
Our party was founded in the summer of 2008 in response to the failure of the left in Irish politics to offers a real alternative to the washed-out and corrupt politicing of the neo-cons and their growing influence on Irish society. The RSPI is intended to be a broad church of the left and to offer refuge to those poor souls who have been disappointed by the blatant and brazen denial of socialist values by the mainstream parties of the left, such as the Labour Party, The Socialist party, The Socialist Workers Party, the Anarchy Non-Party, the Anarchy Party, the Socialist Anarchy party, the Socialist Anarchy Non-Party, and the Non-Socalist Non-Anarchy Party ,Trotsky-Max Webberites who remain unaffiliated to this date.
There was only one nomination for President, Chomrade Padraig Mac Saoirse, who was well known to the masses present. Chomrade Mac Saoirse is a veteran of the Labour Party, The Socialist party, The Socialist Workers Party, the Anarchy Non-Party, the Anarchy Party, the Socialist Anarchy party, the Socialist Anarchy Non-Party, and the Non-Socalist Non-Anarchy Party ,Trotsky-Max Webberites who remain unaffiliated to this date. As such, his credentials are beyond reproach and his contacts with other parties of the left is impeccable. Chomrade Mac Saoirise graciously accepted the position of President, and said that it would not conflict with his prominent position in the sanitary staff of Barrystown IT.
The following is the text of the inauguration speech by Mr Phadraig Mac Saoirse, President Elect of the Recreational Socialist Party of Ireland (RSPI).
It is a great honour to speak to you here on this historic day for the masses, when the RSPI has taken a major step in promoting the efforts of the historically-burdened working classes to throw off the shackles of their oppressors and to transform society through agitation and revolution. For not much longer will brave workers be crushed under the heel of the bosses ; for not much longer will the face of the proletariat be spat upon by the jeering lackeys of the capitalist state ; for not much longer will the corporate demons threaten to forcibly possess our beloved and doe-eyed public servants and turn them into wanton hussies.
Soon the day will come when the workers of Ireland will be seen as a beacon to oppressed workers everywhere -- the masses will shout -- "We want to be beacons -- not neocons "(pause for applause) . We will expel the foreign roosters that have settled in our fair land, we will drive them back to the gates of that hell they come from, the US of A, and we will ensure that the purity of Irish Socialism in the tradition of Connolly, Higgins and Fallon is maintained at all costs.
Let the words reverberate throughout the country that the working class will no longer be treated as a footstool for the boots of the fascists and capitalist classes, that the working class will not be dictated to by gombeen politicians, and that the weasel words of traitors will be turned on their masters like pitbulls attacking their owners.
And now, chomrades, we must turn to more mundane matters. In order to generate funds for the RSPI, I have directed the politbureau to organise a raffle for some appropriate and tasteful prizes. Chomrade Mac Phiarsigh and Chomrade O Huigin will shortly pass among the masses with books of tickets. Please distribute these among the working classes and encourage them to purchase at east one book of tickets (three books for the price of two ). Chomraidi, Good luck to all. Third Prize will be a copy of Max Weber: A Critical Introduction -- a remaindered copy signed by the author. Second Prize is a north Korean Army Surplus Coat from same; and First Prize is a week in Cuba, kindly donated by Budget Travel, who are the official travel agents of the RSPI.
I would like to thank you all for coming to mark this historic day when the head of capitalism is being butted by the righteous indigation of the united workers our great little country.
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