Monday, May 24, 2010

11th of May Storming of the Dail

Paean to Padraic Mac Saoirse’s Thought

STIRRING is the news which has reached us. A valiant, fighting collective armed with the thought of Padraic Mac Saoirse has come to the fore in the storm and stress of the international class struggle.

Five hundred Irish masses who were locked in a severe struggle with the reactionaries in Dail Eireann have won a resounding victory. Their heroic feats in battle have spread far and wide among the people of the homeland and the Irish residing abroad. This is another paean to the great thought of Padraic Mac Saoirse.

Comraid Mac Saoirse has always taught us: Revolutionary fighters of the proletariat must have an indomitable spirit, determined to vanquish all enemies and never to yield. These 500 broad masses are such revolutionary fighters with an indomitable spirit.

Around the walls of the capitalist reactionaries they faced the batons and blows of the fascist police, fearing neither death nor repression, neither ogres nor brutes. Steadfast, staunch and unafraid, they preserved intact the honour of the Irish nation and safeguarded the dignity of our great motherland. Before them, the blustering Dail reactionaries were mere paper tigers.

These youngsters drew a sharp line between love and hate. For the enemy, they showed a strong hate; for their comrades, they cherished profound class feeling. They encouraged each other, cared for each other and supported each other in the struggle, and united as one man.

Loyal to Comraid Mac Saoirse, to Padraic Mac Saoirse’s thought and the motherland, these 500 broad masses deserve to be called Comraid Mac Saoirse’s worthy fighters and fine sons and daughters of the Irish people.

Where did the fighting courage, conviction and strength of these 500 broad masses in the face of the threats and white terror of the fascists come from?

It all came from the great and invincible thought of Padraic Mac Saoirse. Padraic Mac Saoirse’s thought is the most powerful and the sharpest ideological weapon for fighting and defeating all enemies. Armed with Padraic Mac Saoirse’s thought, one will have a firm, correct political orientation, one will be full of fight and one will become courageous, intelligent and revolutionary to the highest degree. Whether in black Marias, behind prison bars or in one round of struggle after another with the enemy, these 500 broad masses at all times persevered in studying and applying Comraid Mac Saoirse’s works in a creative way and took Comraid Mac Saoirse’s words as the guide for all action. For them the thought of Padraic Mac Saoirse is an inexhaustible source of strength which led them forward in conquering every difficulty and triumphing over the enemy.

Comraid Mac Saoirse is the red sun in the hearts of the people of our country; he is also the red sun in the hearts of all patriotic Irish residing abroad. With boundless veneration, respect and love for the great leader Comraid Mac Saoirse, one of these heroic broad masses wrote with his blood—Long live Comraid Mac Saoirse—on the gound outside the Dail. Inscribed in blood, these words symbolize not only the ardent love for Comraid Mac Saoirse in the 500 hearts but also the ardent love in the hearts of the Irish people.. At critical moments when they were being subjected to wild torture by the reactionaries the words of their respected and beloved leader Comraid Mac Saoirse became audible in their ears and tingled in their hearts. This gave them infinite warmth and strength and inspired them to fight on until victory.

Under the radiance of Padraic Mac Saoirse’s thought Ireland can become a great and strong socialist country. Socialist revolution and socialist construction have scored magnificent achievements in our country. The great proletarian cultural revolution personally initiated and led by Comraid Mac Saoirse is profoundly changing the spiritual make-up of the people and the face of society. A generation of new people are growing up and there is no end to the miracles being performed in this great land of ours.

The heroic feats of the 500 broad masses have set a glorious example for the whole nation. We should learn from these heroes and heroines of the Padraic Mac Saoirse era.

Let us hold higher and higher the great red banner of Padraic Mac Saoirse’s thought and fight together for the great cause of socialist revolution and socialist construction in our motherland!

Now is the Time

How good it is to watch in silence as the putrid edifices of capitalism collapse under the weight of their mediocrity. How wonderful that we should be alive at this time when the running sores of a bankrupt economy gape and beckon. With just a little more patience, comrades, we will finally be in a position where we can usurp the controls of the state and return the control of the economy to our beloved proletariat. Be aware. Be awake. Remember that the capitalist lackeys will use all manner of subterfuge and deceit to deprive us of our birthright. Remember that few are awake at the dawn. Remember that we must be ready to act at a moment's notice to change our history forever.


Tiocfaid ar la

Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Fun 3

During one of Stalin's frequent purges, necessary to maintain discipline and focus in the revolution, a Finnish Border Guard was amazed to find two giraffes at the checkpoint pleading to be allowed into Finland.

"Please let us in", they whined, " Comrade Stalin has ordered a purge of all elephants from the Soviet Republic."

"But you have nothing to worry about", said the guard, " You are giraffes".

"Try telling that to the KGB", said the giraffes.

When the revolutionary acts, it is with a broad stroke. Differentiation is a bourgeois illusion designed to induce uncertainty in the proletariat.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday Fun

More a witty remark than a proper joke, this weeks choice from the Stalin archives emphasises the importance of the control of the means of production in socialist countries compared to capitalist countries.

When Comrade Stalin reurned from a foreign trip he was asked to give a description of the economies he had seen in the west.
"Tovarisch, " he said, "in the west they have many luxurious objects available in shops -- fur coats, cars, all manners of food and combestibles. But the people are too poor to buy anything. In all my time there I didn't see a single queue !"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Skirmishes in the Class war

Members should be aware that our supreme theorist, Chomráid O Beacáin, has been involved in skirmishes with capitalist bully boys and their running-dog liberal lackeys.
The incidents began when Chomráid O Beacáin posted a statement on the website . This website is frequented by the hobbyist socialists and faux communists of the petit bourgeoise. From that website a person with the unfortunate moniker of Zyklon B copied the post to, a website frequented by rabble rousers and apparatchiks of no influence. Chomráid O Beacáin had to defend himself against all manner of vile calumny and ridicule from these ivory tower fantasists and immature scaremongers.

Be in no doubt, Chomraidí, that these kind of websites will vanish like snow in a proletarian spring when the revolution finally comes. No more will the good in the world be vilified by the “intellectual” class and their liberal running dogs. These kinds of skirmishes will reinvigorate the broad masses and hasten the day when the capitalists will be on their knees with mouths agape as the broad masses begin to exercise their power.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Towards A New Theory of Feminism

The RSPI is concerned that a feminist perspective that emerges from bourgeois intellectualizing is likely to misunderstand our position on the relationship between sexual and economic (re)production

Currently, such a mindset would typically view our proposals as chauvinistic, irrevocably bound to a male world view. Such a mindset in its more ‘developed’ forms sees even our language itself as always already contaminated by male hierarchical oppression. An example of this would be the fact that the name of the father rather than the mother continues through the generations.

Following the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan ,feminist theory has seen the primal unity of the child has with its mother as being ruptured by the entry of the father, the phallus .The entry of the phallus is coincident with the entry of the child into the symbolic order or more simply into language itself.

According to this thinking, the child spends the rest of its life trying to regain the lost primal unity. This hankering for lost unity once captured by the field of language defines itself as a longing for a transcendental signifier – something which would ground or be the basis for language and at the same time be transcendental to it.

The RSPI is proud to announce that the days of seeking are now drawing to a close.

How so?

The entrapment process of language is predicated upon the existence of binary opposites such as male/female, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, national/non-national, white/coloured, city/country.

‘Unity’ is not possible because the individual always sees her/himself self as different to the ‘other’ whether that other is perceived to be, for example, rich or poor relative to oneself. In other words a (wo)man knows her/himself to be poor because s/he sees the difference between her/his poverty and the wealth of others, or we know ourselves to be nationals because of our difference from immigrants etc etc .

The RSPI proposals are designed to smash this whole field of difference by destroying the functioning of the capitalist state. It is the capitalist state which produces this binary opposition because human beings are always defined by economics, by one’s place in a social hierarchy which is itself produced and sustained by one’s access to the means of production. For example, as we have seen the LTW( Lifestyle Trophy Wives) define themselves by their difference from proletariat females. To release such perpetuators of an unjust social hierarchy into forced marriages with the most oppressed of the male proletariat, Nigerian refugees, would immediately subvert the white/black, rich/poor, bourgeois educated/ non-bourgeois educated sets of binary opposites that sustain the capitalist system .

It might be ventured that inevitably a new set of binary opposites will emerge with new hierarchies such as newly liberated children of the forced mixed race marriages/ white children of the newly liberated proletariat. These opposites will not, however, remain static , they will always be in flux. For example, intermarriage between these sets of opposites will occur spontaneously as the class structures that produced and sustained the collusion between capitalists and LTWs is forever sundered.
In Our Brave New World Order binary opposition will function like the classic Marxist dialectic of thesis/ antithesis which necessarily produces a synthesis that itself becomes a new thesis ad infinitum. Economic subjugation of one class by another will not be possible because control of reproduction will pass from the capitalist to the proletariat .Readers will recall the establishment of a clear interdependability between sexual and economic product ion in the capitalist system.

Sexual freedom and enjoyment will be the keynotes of our new world order – the boundaries that divide humans through sexual selection will be smashed.

It might further be ventured that we have not dealt with the male/female divide and the fact the language that we are now using is itself always and inevitably contaminated with the traces of male subjugation of females.
In Our Brave New World government will alternate between female and male control.
As to the language we use itself being soiled by male discourse , we imagine that during the female periods of rule that our dictionaries can be rewritten , our schools will teach new languages as our citizens enjoy new and exciting modes of social and sexual interaction..

As to the final synthesis, the Nirvana of a classless society – when there will be no need for further production of binary opposites – We leave this for another day. In the meantime readers are recommended to visit http//
Here they can begin to get a glimpse of the final solution.

Mick O’ Beachain

Friday Fun

A little known fact about Stalin is that he started out as a “shutnik” , a kind of comedian. In Siberia there is a tradition of shutniks going from town to town and performing during festivities, relating stories and performing pranks. It is believed that the shutnik is derived originally from the shaman traditions of Siberia.

Under the new glasnost regime in Russia, it is now possible to access some of his favourite jokes, which he collected throughout his life. It is important to note that these jokes were never treated lightly by his audience, and it was not uncommon for a political officer to offer an appropriate commentary to illustrate the high moral point of the joke.

We are pleased to introduce a selection of some of Stalin’s favourite jokes, with a brief commentary by Chomráid Smirnoff-Boland, our ethnic officer.

Joke No 1

A wife says to her husband : “Go to the shops and get some meat”. Even though it is winter, the man obeys and walks to the butchers. He joins the queue and waits for over eight hours. Eventually, the butcher comes out and says to the queue “ Go home. WE have run out of meat. There is no meat left !”. The man becomes angry and starts to shout “ How dare you treat me this way ! I am a veteran of the 1917 revolution and have been a socialist all my life. You cannot treat me this way !” A man in hat and long coat approached him and led him to one side. This man said : “ Comrade, you must be careful with your talk like that. Things are not so bad now. If you had spoken like that in the old days you know what would have happened.” He pointed his forefinger to his forehead, and pulled an imaginary trigger.

The man went home to his wife and said “ Things are really really bad!”
She asked “ Do you mean they have run out of meat ?”
“It’s worse than that”, he said. “ They’ve run out of bullets! “

Commentary :

In this joke Comrade Stalin makes the point that while revolutionaries march on their stomachs, in is only through the bullet that peace can be maintained.